Sunday 8 May 2011

Tim Head

Tim Head (1946-) is a British artist who according to Nikos Stangos (1994) studied with Richard Hamilton at the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1965-9). I have a friend who may have known him then. Head went on to teach on the advance sculpture course run by Barry Flanagan at St Martin’s School (1969-70). In his work he employs a variety of media and forms. In his installations he uses mirrors and light, projections and painted serial imagery and patterned pictures.

Tim Head  “devised several installations in which photographs were projected on to those same objects and spaces” (Walker, J., 1992: 543). The series works that he is famous for is called Displacements (1975-6).  Displacements are installations which was first constructed and exhibited at the Rowan Gallery in January and February 1975. According to the Tate Gallery The Tate Gallery 1976-8: Illustrated Catalogue of Acquisitions, “the title Displacements is used to indicate that in each case the projected images are a displacement of the view originally photographed, i.e. the projected image has been moved in a particular direction away from the original position in which it was photographed” (1979).


Stangos, N & Read, H., (1994) The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists London: Thames and Hudson

Tate Gallery, (1979) The Tate Gallery 1976-8: Illustrated Catalogue of Acquisitions, London

Walker, J. A. (1992) Glossary of Art, Architecture & Design Since 1945, Boston, Massachusetts: G. K. Hall & Co.

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