This is a amazing monograph by Chystel Lebas. Here are some extracts:
'We do not have to have to be long in the woods to experience the always rather anxious impression of "going deeper and deeper" into a limitless world. Soon, if we do not know where we are going we no longer know where we are.'
Gaston Bachelard. The Poetics of space. translated from the French by Maria Jolas. Boston Beacon Press p.185.
'Forests, especially, with the mystery of their space prolonged indefinitely beyond the veil of tree-trunks and leaves, space is veiled for our eyes, but transparent to action, are inevitable psychological transcendents'
Marcault & Therese Brose. Le Education de demain Paris Alcan 20th edition, 1939. p.255

'The forest is a fascinating place; one can feel attracted to its grandeur, or scared by its depth and darkness. This space of immensity echoes our childhood memories, through fairytale or play. Walking through the forest of my childhood in France, after many years, I remembered when we used to build a hut, and slowly the light would disappear, and darkness would surround us.' Chrystel Lebas (2006 p. 93)

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